Friendships - The core of what we do is build friendships by sharing everyday life. When we focus on friendships we became learners who can effectively work, grow and change together with others. This happens most naturally and most effectively while living in the same neighborhoods.
Community Building - We start out in a new community getting to know people and doing small acts of kindness. We then begin to create togetherness and unity through events such as live music, cookouts, children’s book readings and games. Our commitment is to build community with others and not for them to the point that the they become the primary agents of action.
Spiritual Care - In our friendships and communities we are sharing who Christ is, who we are in him, and what he is doing now. We are purposeful to be present to others with deep listening, nurture in the whole of life, extend compassionate truth, affirm God's presence and activity, and teach people to pray.
Information, Referrals, Advocacy - We provide information on available resources such as support groups, employment programs, ministries, and substance intervention programs, so that others might get headed in a healthy direction. When needed we also refer individuals and families to an appropriate public or faith based services. Our advocacy gives a voice to others for their just treatment and gives active assistance to empower individuals as they navigate broken social systems.
Sunday Gatherings - On Sundays we provide a short worship gathering of no more than thirty minutes at an on-sight location. There is singing, collective prayer and a message of hope. There is also a time to pray for specific individual concerns when requested.
Beauty & Arts - We are intentional about bringing beauty and arts into the community. By introducing flowers, paintings, music, art classes, nature, poetry, and other art forms we provide connection to things that are appealing, delightful and satisfying. Beauty in nature and art can open the heart to something better and provide space for Spirit to enter.
Development - We want to give individuals, families, and communities opportunities to move from relief of immediate needs into a greater self-reliance. This will include opportunities such as skills workshops, education, employment training, comparative shopping, financial counseling, and marriage and parenting classes.
Community Garden & Nutritious Food - There are many benefits to a community garden including giving purpose to the day, bringing people together from different backgrounds, providing a sense of accomplishment, and of course, increasing access to fresh foods. Community gardeners tend to eat healthier diets than non-gardening families. Our plan is to also provide farm fresh foods to the table as well as give nutrition and cooking classes.
Bible Study - For those who are interested we would like to provide in-home Bible Studies to discuss the biblical narrative of creation, alienation, redemption, and restoration.
After School Tutoring - Education can help break the cycle of multi-generational poverty. Low-income students are four and a half times more likely to drop out of high school. An inspiring tutor, nutritious snacks, and a positive after school environment can help set some of these students on a successful path.
Walking Groups - Walking groups provide motivation, socialization and promotes physical exercise. Since walking is possible for most people and doesn’t require special skills or equipment, it is the most practical form of physical activity we can provide.
International Students - WV Tech moved its campus to Beckley last year and with them came over two hundred international students. Our hope is to obtain a house on or near campus to welcome international students, to dialogue about their culture, and to interact around the bigger questions of life.
Multicultural Relationships - African-American, Anglo, Hispanic and Asian cultures each have their unique perspective on relationships, motivation, authority, presentations, and time orientation. Our desire is to overcome these cultural differences to form supportive cooperation for one another and work together when possible. There is no place for racial prejudice in any community. What we have in common as fellow human beings and as fellow Christians goes far deeper than any cultural dissimilarities.
Other Housing Units - There are over 50 low income housing units in the Beckley area with opportunities in each for friendship, community building and spiritual care.